Thursday, August 17, 2006

White Clay Creek State Park

Wed.,Aug. 16, 2006. Newark, Delaware

New Trails, New Faces

Once you got hooked into hiking, you always find yourself looking for new trails and new places to hike. I googled 'Wilmington trails' and found the website of the Wilmington Trail Club. Just like the other outdoors group, the club offer a wide-range of outdoor activities with hiking as their main interest.

I decided to join one of their short hikes on Wednesdays. On this particular Wednesday, they planned to hike the White Clay Creek Trail in Newark, Delaware.

A good number of regular WTC hikers showed up.

I met, Julius and his wife, Nancy who immediately approached me and asked: "Were you the one who called my husband?"... I politely replied: "Yes!". I was happy that they waited for at least 10 minutes before they left the trailhead (I was late 7 minutes trying to find the parking lot near Possum Hill).

After a round of introduction (mentioning your name), we were off hiking the trails.

The trail itself was very well-kept with a very good combinations of open fields, wooded areas, creek crossings, and a short-paved segment. The hike leader said that we covered 4.5 miles.

One of the things that I learned from these hikes (when you were the 'new' hiker) is that everybody there possesses this camaraderie --- it's an instant liking with each other or just like what Nancy said: "we walk in the same beat of a drum..."

Side Trip: Timothy's at the park vicinity.